Word from PCS at Child Support Agency in Hastings - more attempted union-busting.
Please support them.
The PCS Branch Secretary at CSA Hastings, Sam Buckley has recently become the fifth branch officer to be sacked on trumped up charges since November 2007 and several more reps are under threat. The national union regards this as deliberate union busting and is fully behind the campaign’s demands for reinstatement, an end to bullying of staff and reps and a DWP Select Committee enquiry into management at CSA Hastings.
CSA Hastings has become known as “The Bermuda Triangle of the Civil Service” owing to the way that those who stand up to management disappear - so far the Branch has lost a Chair, two Vice Chairs, two Branch Secretaries and a Treasurer (although the Treasurer, Winston Resalsingh, was reinstated in the teeth of stated opposition from Area management and South East HR) This is in stark contrast to how management treat BNP members -local neo-Nazi Frank Swaine has twice been given permission to stand for the BNP in local elections, despite Civil Service policy which obliges us all to promote diversity in the communities in which we live and work. Union reps handing out anti-BNP leaflets, by contrast were threatened with disciplinary action and full time union officials thrown off the site by security.
A demonstration in support of the unions demands has been called backed by National and regional PCS and Hastings and District Trades Council which will assemble at 1pm at Hastings Pier Saturday18th September before moving off along the seafront at 1.30pm and marching to the town centre where a rally with speakers will be held.
PCS are asking that all trade unions publicise this demonstration and the campaign - management are clearly rattled but also eager to consolidate their “victory” as their first move has been to ban the local branch from issuing any leaflets to the members on the subject including outside the building and in their own time. National PCS has pointed out to them that this is both unreasonable and unlawful and has been ignored.
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A place to discuss happenings on the Hove (and Brighton) political scene and further afield.
Thursday, 29 July 2010
I've got some questions for the Americans....
If the US Senate Committee does come over "to seek answers" about the release of the alleged Lockerbie bomber, I've got some questions of my own for them.
Firstly some background on the 60 military coups in which the US state is implicated over the last century would be nice. Perhaps they could give us the low-down on the merits of replacing democratically elected governments with dictatorships, as they did in Iran and Chile for example.
We could then move on to the secret carpet bombing of Cambodia.
Another interesting conversation could be had around the US support for terrorist killers like the Nicaraguan Contras.
Then there's the basis on which they took us to war in Iraq. If we want to talk about "stonewalling" many of the families of UK service personnel killed in US "friendly fire" incidents would be happy to see an end to the officially sanctioned stonewalling which the US government has practised ever since.
And no investigation would be complete without the skinny on the practise of "extraordinary rendition" to the international network of "dark prisons" the US has scattered around.
There's really no shortage of things to ask....
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Firstly some background on the 60 military coups in which the US state is implicated over the last century would be nice. Perhaps they could give us the low-down on the merits of replacing democratically elected governments with dictatorships, as they did in Iran and Chile for example.
We could then move on to the secret carpet bombing of Cambodia.
Another interesting conversation could be had around the US support for terrorist killers like the Nicaraguan Contras.
Then there's the basis on which they took us to war in Iraq. If we want to talk about "stonewalling" many of the families of UK service personnel killed in US "friendly fire" incidents would be happy to see an end to the officially sanctioned stonewalling which the US government has practised ever since.
And no investigation would be complete without the skinny on the practise of "extraordinary rendition" to the international network of "dark prisons" the US has scattered around.
There's really no shortage of things to ask....
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Friday, 23 July 2010
Trades Council building united opposition to the cuts
General Secretary, Bill North, 41b Devonshire Place, Brighton BN2 1QB http://brightontradescouncil.blogspot.com/
I am writing on behalf of Brighton, Hove and District Trades Union Council to invite a delegate from your organisation to attend a meeting of a local anti-cuts coalition on Monday the 2nd August 7:30pm at the Caxton Arms, North Gardens.
The Trades Council is taking this step to try to bring together unions, tenants associations, local campaigns and sympathetic political groups so we can work together to protect our public services, jobs and communities from the huge funding cuts that will affect so many in our city.
This year alone Brighton and Hove Council is to cut £3.68 million from the city’s budget which include:
• Cuts of £1,580,000 to education, young people and children’s services in Brighton & Hove this year.
• The removal of ring-fenced grants this year forvital services in Brighton & Hove, including: the Youth Opportunity Fund (worth £141,000), Aids/ HIV support (worth £455,000), Stroke Strategy (worth £93,000).
• £600,000 cut this year from the Playbuilder renovation of children’s playgrounds
• Cuts of £600,000 this year from Sure Start children’s centres in Brighton & Hove.
On top of this larger cuts of 25% in budgets are promised amounting to a devastating £750 million lost funding across Sussex in the future, a public sector pay freeze, VAT rising to 20% and serious attacks on the benefits and tax credits system.
At the same time Brighton and Hove Council has employed 4 new strategic directors on well over £100,000 a year and we can already see that the cuts will be used to bring even greater levels of privatisation into our public services.
Brighton and Hove Trades Council does not accept that these cuts need to fall on the most vulnerable in society. Those responsible for the financial crisis should be the ones to pay for it, principally the bankers and speculators and money could be saved by not proceeding with useless schemes such as Trident, or paying large sums to “strategic directors”. The Trades Council will be campaigning against all cuts that adversely effect working class people and will is looking for allies across the city to organise mutual support.
We hope your organisation will be able to send a representative to the meeting on the 2nd August if you can make it please reply via email or phone on the details below.
Yours Sincerely,
Phil Clarke
Brighton Hove and District Trades Council Executive
Email brightontradescouncil@gmail.com
I am writing on behalf of Brighton, Hove and District Trades Union Council to invite a delegate from your organisation to attend a meeting of a local anti-cuts coalition on Monday the 2nd August 7:30pm at the Caxton Arms, North Gardens.
The Trades Council is taking this step to try to bring together unions, tenants associations, local campaigns and sympathetic political groups so we can work together to protect our public services, jobs and communities from the huge funding cuts that will affect so many in our city.
This year alone Brighton and Hove Council is to cut £3.68 million from the city’s budget which include:
• Cuts of £1,580,000 to education, young people and children’s services in Brighton & Hove this year.
• The removal of ring-fenced grants this year forvital services in Brighton & Hove, including: the Youth Opportunity Fund (worth £141,000), Aids/ HIV support (worth £455,000), Stroke Strategy (worth £93,000).
• £600,000 cut this year from the Playbuilder renovation of children’s playgrounds
• Cuts of £600,000 this year from Sure Start children’s centres in Brighton & Hove.
On top of this larger cuts of 25% in budgets are promised amounting to a devastating £750 million lost funding across Sussex in the future, a public sector pay freeze, VAT rising to 20% and serious attacks on the benefits and tax credits system.
At the same time Brighton and Hove Council has employed 4 new strategic directors on well over £100,000 a year and we can already see that the cuts will be used to bring even greater levels of privatisation into our public services.
Brighton and Hove Trades Council does not accept that these cuts need to fall on the most vulnerable in society. Those responsible for the financial crisis should be the ones to pay for it, principally the bankers and speculators and money could be saved by not proceeding with useless schemes such as Trident, or paying large sums to “strategic directors”. The Trades Council will be campaigning against all cuts that adversely effect working class people and will is looking for allies across the city to organise mutual support.
We hope your organisation will be able to send a representative to the meeting on the 2nd August if you can make it please reply via email or phone on the details below.
Yours Sincerely,
Phil Clarke
Brighton Hove and District Trades Council Executive
Email brightontradescouncil@gmail.com
From the playing fields of Eton to the playgrounds of Whitehawk......
One of the defining moments of Margaret Thatcher's political career came when she was still Education Secretary in Edward Heath's government, when she took away schoolkids' free milk - Thatcher the Milksnatcher.
The ConDems have come up with something to trump even that - they have discontinued funding for Playbuilder, the scheme under which children's play areas are upgraded and rebuilt. The 11 parks affected in Brighton and Hove are in the most deprived parts of the City where the work would have been most needed. The more well-heeled parts of town were given priority by the local Tories and have already been completed.
Just another one of those reminders of how "we're all in it together".
The ConDems have come up with something to trump even that - they have discontinued funding for Playbuilder, the scheme under which children's play areas are upgraded and rebuilt. The 11 parks affected in Brighton and Hove are in the most deprived parts of the City where the work would have been most needed. The more well-heeled parts of town were given priority by the local Tories and have already been completed.
Just another one of those reminders of how "we're all in it together".
Thursday, 15 July 2010
A couple of useful sites
A couple of useful websites which I am now linking to.
Neither is political in an overt sense but they both cut through alot of the BS we get fed every day.
No Shock Doctrine for Britain carries the truth about deficits, debts and cuts.
Tabloid Watch is just that - a welcome check on the lies and sloppy journalism which characterise British tabloids. If you've ever wondered about a story in the Sun, Mail or Express, check out Tabloid Watch - chances are you'll find the story there, exposed as a mish-mash of half-truths..or just plain made up!
Neither is political in an overt sense but they both cut through alot of the BS we get fed every day.
No Shock Doctrine for Britain carries the truth about deficits, debts and cuts.
Tabloid Watch is just that - a welcome check on the lies and sloppy journalism which characterise British tabloids. If you've ever wondered about a story in the Sun, Mail or Express, check out Tabloid Watch - chances are you'll find the story there, exposed as a mish-mash of half-truths..or just plain made up!
Opposing cuts at the Council meeting
A delegation of trade unionists lobbied tonight's Council meeting to oppose the cuts in this years budgets. We gave out the following statement.....
Brighton Hove and District Trades Union Council
Dear Councillor
At tonight’s meeting you are to be allowed a “debate” about proposals to cut £3.68 million from this year’s budgets, as a result of grant cuts from the Coalition Government, but you will not be allowed to vote on these cuts, nor propose alternatives. Instead, all the decisions will be taken by a small group of Conservative councillors in a week’s time. These cuts include :
o Cuts of £1,580,000 to education, young people and children’s services in Brighton & Hove this year.
o The removal of ring-fenced grants this year for vital services in Brighton & Hove, including: the Youth Opportunity Fund (worth £141,000), Aids/ HIV support (worth £455,000), Stroke Strategy (worth £93,000).
o £600,000 cut this year from the Playbuilder renovation of children’s playgrounds
o Cuts of £600,000 this year from Sure Start children’s centres in Brighton & Hove.
o Cuts of 25% in budgets are promised in the future
In addition to these measures, your employees working in local government are suffering a pay freeze (though we note that an increase in councillors’ allowances of 2.3% is being proposed by the Local Government Association).
Local people will suffer a rise in VAT to 20%, and cuts in housing benefit and tax credits from next year.
Yet at the same time, the Council is proposing to employ four strategic directors, each of whom will be on a salary almost as high as the Prime Minister’s!
Brighton and Hove TUC does not accept that these cuts need to fall on the most vulnerable in society. Those responsible for the financial crisis should be the ones to pay for it – principally the bankers and speculators – and money could be saved by not proceeding with useless schemes such as Trident, or paying large sums to “strategic directors”.
We will support workers who fight against cuts in jobs, privatization and any reductions in terms and conditions.
"All in this together"?......MY ARSE!!!!
Another example of how we are not "all in it together" comes from the Local Government Association, the representative body for local councillors in England and Wales.
Whilst imposing a pay freeze for local government workers, this same body thinks a pay increase of 2.3% is warranted for them.
In Brighton and Hove, the councillors are a little more circumspect. They are agonising over a pay rise of 1%. A decision on this has been delayed - doubtless because they know how badly this will play with their workforce who are getting no pay rise at all.
Keep an eye on this one - they'll no doubt make the decision when they think we're not looking!
Whilst imposing a pay freeze for local government workers, this same body thinks a pay increase of 2.3% is warranted for them.
In Brighton and Hove, the councillors are a little more circumspect. They are agonising over a pay rise of 1%. A decision on this has been delayed - doubtless because they know how badly this will play with their workforce who are getting no pay rise at all.
Keep an eye on this one - they'll no doubt make the decision when they think we're not looking!
Sunday, 11 July 2010
...or how the Brighton and Hove Tories finally lost the plot, and openness and transparency in local politics took another knock.....
Amidst a looming financial crisis which could see some £45 million lopped off council budgets over the next three years, Tory councillors are currently fixated on....some video of a council meeting. They are trying to get Green Councillor Jason Kitcat suspended because he put parts of Council meetings on YouTube. The meetings are already videoed for webcasting and all Cllr Kitcat has done is put some extracts about communal bins onto YouTube as it is an issue of concern to his constituents. The full details of what he is supposed to have done can be found here.
Much of the complaint is supposedly that Kitcat "failed to show proper respect" to Tory councillor Geoffrey Theobald, yet Cllr Theobald is totally unconcerned about the whole thing (being a canny politician who knows how stupid it is to make a martyr out of a high-profile opposition councillor). He is also accused of misusing Council resources - although he clearly didn't! This is clearly a politically motivated attempt to shut up an effective councillor. Cllrs Mears, Oxley and Kemble have been caught red-handed and ought to back off while they have a shred of dignity left.
Mind you, this is par for the course for this administration - they don't really do transparency - as many of my members currently trying to pursue appeals against their job gradings will know well. One of the most basic things you would need to know in order to pursue such an appeal is the job evaluation score that has been applied to your job - but the administration will not release that information.
Then there's the current-year budget cuts - all stitched up at Cabinet with no vote being allowed at full council.
Not bad going for a party which does not even command an overall majority on the council and took a complete hiding at the by-election last week.
If this lot won't learn any humility....perhaps they need to be taught some.....
Amidst a looming financial crisis which could see some £45 million lopped off council budgets over the next three years, Tory councillors are currently fixated on....some video of a council meeting. They are trying to get Green Councillor Jason Kitcat suspended because he put parts of Council meetings on YouTube. The meetings are already videoed for webcasting and all Cllr Kitcat has done is put some extracts about communal bins onto YouTube as it is an issue of concern to his constituents. The full details of what he is supposed to have done can be found here.
Much of the complaint is supposedly that Kitcat "failed to show proper respect" to Tory councillor Geoffrey Theobald, yet Cllr Theobald is totally unconcerned about the whole thing (being a canny politician who knows how stupid it is to make a martyr out of a high-profile opposition councillor). He is also accused of misusing Council resources - although he clearly didn't! This is clearly a politically motivated attempt to shut up an effective councillor. Cllrs Mears, Oxley and Kemble have been caught red-handed and ought to back off while they have a shred of dignity left.
Mind you, this is par for the course for this administration - they don't really do transparency - as many of my members currently trying to pursue appeals against their job gradings will know well. One of the most basic things you would need to know in order to pursue such an appeal is the job evaluation score that has been applied to your job - but the administration will not release that information.
Then there's the current-year budget cuts - all stitched up at Cabinet with no vote being allowed at full council.
Not bad going for a party which does not even command an overall majority on the council and took a complete hiding at the by-election last week.
If this lot won't learn any humility....perhaps they need to be taught some.....
Friday, 9 July 2010
Demonstrate against the Con Dem cuts

On 22 June the ConDem government announced massive cuts in public services – but even before this, Tory-led Brighton and Hove City Council has made a series of cuts to this year’s budgets. What this adds up to locally is -
Increased retirement age
Cuts in benefits and tax credits
VAT of 20%
Cuts of £1,580,000 to education, young people and children’s services in Brighton & Hove this year.
The removal of ring-fenced grants this year for vital services in Brighton & Hove, including: the Youth Opportunity Fund (worth £141,000), Aids/ HIV support (worth £455,000), Stroke Strategy (worth £93,000).
£600,000 cut this year from the Playbuilder renovation of children’s playgrounds
A pay freeze for two years if you work in the public sector
Cuts of £600,000 this year from Sure Start children’s centres in Brighton & Hove.
Cuts of 25% in budgets across central and local government
Cuts in voluntary sector funding
….and this is just the start!
Yet at the same time, the Council is proposing to employ four strategic directors, each of whom will be on a salary almost as high as the Prime Minister’s!
What’s more, the Tories locally are trying to prevent proper discussion of this year’s cuts by all of the councillors.
Protect Jobs
Defend Public Services
Bring trade unions and campaigns
together across Brighton and Hove to organise a fight back against this Con-Dem government.
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On 22 June the ConDem government announced massive cuts in public services – but even before this, Tory-led Brighton and Hove City Council has made a series of cuts to this year’s budgets. What this adds up to locally is -
Increased retirement age
Cuts in benefits and tax credits
VAT of 20%
Cuts of £1,580,000 to education, young people and children’s services in Brighton & Hove this year.
The removal of ring-fenced grants this year for vital services in Brighton & Hove, including: the Youth Opportunity Fund (worth £141,000), Aids/ HIV support (worth £455,000), Stroke Strategy (worth £93,000).
£600,000 cut this year from the Playbuilder renovation of children’s playgrounds
A pay freeze for two years if you work in the public sector
Cuts of £600,000 this year from Sure Start children’s centres in Brighton & Hove.
Cuts of 25% in budgets across central and local government
Cuts in voluntary sector funding
….and this is just the start!
Yet at the same time, the Council is proposing to employ four strategic directors, each of whom will be on a salary almost as high as the Prime Minister’s!
What’s more, the Tories locally are trying to prevent proper discussion of this year’s cuts by all of the councillors.
Protect Jobs
Defend Public Services
Bring trade unions and campaigns
together across Brighton and Hove to organise a fight back against this Con-Dem government.
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Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Bullshit bingo......
.....but meanwhile, in the real world, what about the CUTS...,.

Over the last few weeks at work I could have been forgiven for thinking that I'd stepped a bit too far into the stationery cupboard...and stepped into a fantasy land.
Looking at the Council's website, and at the pronouncements of councillors, it would be hard to believe that we face the worst cuts for generations. It's almost as though we're living in a little North Korea, where moderate improvements in the rate of tractor production overshadow the fact that the country is starving.
Nothing typifies this more than the council's current preoccupation with "babble" - the use of impenetrable jargon in day-to-day communication.
No-one could argue with the idea of using the clearest possible language of course. But most council workers don't use this kind of stuff anyway. It is the currency of the consultariat, to whom councils pay so much money, usually to tell them what their own staff could have told them for a fraction of the cost.
Ironically, if you to want see some babble, look no further than the now notorious "status quo" ad for the new strategic directors - produced (of course) by a consultant.
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Over the last few weeks at work I could have been forgiven for thinking that I'd stepped a bit too far into the stationery cupboard...and stepped into a fantasy land.
Looking at the Council's website, and at the pronouncements of councillors, it would be hard to believe that we face the worst cuts for generations. It's almost as though we're living in a little North Korea, where moderate improvements in the rate of tractor production overshadow the fact that the country is starving.
Nothing typifies this more than the council's current preoccupation with "babble" - the use of impenetrable jargon in day-to-day communication.
No-one could argue with the idea of using the clearest possible language of course. But most council workers don't use this kind of stuff anyway. It is the currency of the consultariat, to whom councils pay so much money, usually to tell them what their own staff could have told them for a fraction of the cost.
Ironically, if you to want see some babble, look no further than the now notorious "status quo" ad for the new strategic directors - produced (of course) by a consultant.
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Friday, 2 July 2010
Coalition "partners" getting down to business
Yesterday Nick Clegg got the 'job' of talking to the public about what laws they want repealed. I have some ideas of my own on that score but I am more interested in what that says about how this coalition really works.
It looks to me as though this effectively means the sidelining of Clegg while Tories get on with the important work of dismantling the Welfare State. The post of Deputy Prime Minister looks like it just became the biggest public sector 'non- job' in the country.
The Lib Dems are taking all of the blame and none of the power in this 'partnership' and they look like they could be decimated for supporting measures such as the rise in VAT, which they opposed in the election campaign.
On Sunday The Observer reported that half their voters and as many members were ready to desert them.
What is clear is that the Con Dem Coalition has no mandate for the destruction of our public services. They must be stopped.
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